Epiphany Truth Examiner


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Scriptures are cited from the King James (Authorized) Version, unless stated otherwise.

Question: Will water baptism and the Lord’s supper be celebrated in the Millennium?

Answer: It seems as if they will then be celebrated, but not with the same significance as was the case with the Church. Water baptism will then symbolize cleansing from sin and arising to a righteous life, which will be the two parts of carrying out the Millennial consecrations. And the Lord’s Supper will signify the world’s appropriating life and perfection from the Christ by appropriating Him in faith and obedience.

The reason for thinking that water baptism will then be Millennially practiced is the following: There was a real and a symbolic circumcision under the Law Covenant (Romans 2: 28, 29). The two circumcisions under the Law Covenant type the two circumcisions under the New Covenant, which will be real consecration and water baptism. 

The reason for thinking that the Lord’s Supper will then be Millennially practiced is the following: There was an annual typical Passover lamb partaken of annually by the afterborn, even as it was also partaken of by the firstborn. And as the annual Lord’s Supper during the Gospel Age is the antitype of the annual Passover lamb partaken of by the firstborn, so it would seem that the antitype of the annual Passover lamb partaken of by the afterborn would be the annual Lord’s Supper in the Millennium, partaken of by the antitypical afterborn.