Epiphany Truth Examiner


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Scriptures are cited from the King James (Authorized) Version, unless stated otherwise.

Question: Since the Little Flock have all gone beyond the vail, is the World’s High Priest – Jesus and the Church – still in His linen garments of sacrifice, or in His garments of glory and beauty?

Answer: Since the Little Flock have all gone beyond the vail, it seems logical to conclude that He is no longer in His sacrificial (linen) garments. However, let us consider this question more closely. Aaron, the typical High Priest, represented Jesus, the Head, and the Church as members of His Body – the great antitypical High Priest. During the time of making the sin-offering he wore only the white linen garments. Afterward (and usually) he wore the glorious garments which illustrate the honor and glory conferred upon him. During the Gospel Age, the sin-offerings progress and no honor is bestowed upon the priests. But at its close comes the outward manifestation of God’s approval and acceptance of them in the putting of glory and honor upon the priests who made the sacrifice, and in the blessing of the people, for whose sins they atoned.

The great antitypical Atonement Day covers both the Gospel and the Millennial Ages. The part of the Atonement Day’s service that was covered by Aaron’s ministering in his linen garments of sacrifice types the part of the antitypical Atonement Day’s service belonging to the Gospel Age; and that part of the Atonement Day’s service that was covered by Aaron’s ministering in the garments of glory and beauty types that part of the antitypical Atonement Day’s services belonging to the Millennial Age. Thus everything done by the World’s High Priest in offering Jesus’ humanity (the bullock) and the Church’s humanity (the Lord’s goat), in dealing with the humanity of the Great Company (Azazel’s goat) and in applying the ransom merit (sprinkling the blood of the bullock and the Lord’s goat) is done while in the antitypical garments of sacrifice, since all these activities belong to the Gospel Age work of the World’s High Priest; while the Millennial Age work of resurrecting the Worthies, awakening and resurrecting the world and bestowing restitution blessings will be done by the World’s High Priest in His antitypical garments of glory and beauty. 

So where are we in the stream of time in relation to this question? Clearly we are now in the time between the raising of the great High Priest beyond the vail in the Divine nature and the application of the blood of the antitypical Goat, and therefore the change of garments has not yet taken place. Although the Great Company has finished its earthly course in death, the Youthful Worthies, the fourth and final elect class, needs to finish its earthly course in death before the application of the blood of the antitypical Goat. Praise God that we are nearing the time for the blessing of the world by their great antitypical High Priest!